The goal of any business endeavor is to become profitable. But, we also believe in helping others. To that end, we have pledged a portion of the profits from the sale of every property to go towards a charitable organization. The buyer or seller is free to nominate the charity of their choice.
Another theme at the heart of our organization is our contribution to those in need during every stage of our process. In this country, we are so lucky for what we have and it is our belief that we must do more to try to help with any legitimate cause. On that note: The Hollingsworth Group contacts Charitable organizations directly to see how we may best serve them. On a yearly basis, we attempt to contribute to those charities and seek to champion their cause. Furthermore, The Hollingsworth Group contributes money to charity when any person or business refers us to a potential client. The Charity is picked by the person or company who gives the referral and they receive credit with the charity for that contribution. The charitable donation is made regardless of whether any business is ever transacted between The Hollingsworth Group and the referring partner or the new potential client. If a transaction does occur, an additional contribution to charity is made on behalf of the person who made the referral and in the name of the new client.

We also look to refer business/new clients to any person or business that we meet with on a regular basis. If we love what you do, we want to support you. One of the strengths of our business is our strong advocacy for the people and local businesses that we align with. Like all people in business, we absolutely do like to meet new potential connections and clients. But it is equally important to help others.