Quantum Technology
The Hollingsworth team invests in and utilizes cutting edge technology to enhance the real estate process. We currently use over 140 unique technologies to keep you way ahead of the curve.
Our Technology Set
Learn More About These & Our Other Innovative Capabilities
How We Set Records Through Edge Marketing
Setting Records when selling your home is at our core. There are various sophisticated techniques that we employ when trying to sell real estate above the normal current market rates…
The Hollingsworth Sikora EXP Global Advantage
With expertise on the local level, combined with our access to important international markets, we ensure that the homes we represent receive the far-reaching exposure they deserve…
How We Set Records Through Edge Marketing
Setting Records when selling your home is at our core. There are various sophisticated techniques that we employ when trying to sell real estate above the normal current market rates…
The Hollingsworth Group Global Advantage
With expertise on the local level, combined with our access to important international markets, we ensure that the homes we represent receive the far-reaching exposure they deserve…
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you and talk about buying or selling your home.
Records We've Set
The Hollingsworth Team has developed a set of marketing techniques that have allowed us to sell and rent apartments and townhouses above normal market rates. For example, a loft in Tribeca was valued at about $2.3M, and we sold it for over $3M. In addition to this, we sell apartments in half the time as compared to the city wide average.